Mersivity Symposium 2023, Tue. Aug. 15, starts at 10am, Olivia Chow, Green Party, IEEE President, Standards Association

Join Olvia Chow, Yu Yuan (President IEEE Standards Association), Steve Mann (inventor of the smartwatch, wearable computing, and HDR = High Dynamic Range imaging), and many others, along with live performances by Keith Rich and Ryan Janzen (secured $550 million in funding, founded Transpod public transit company).

Show your support to SaveTheBeach and keep Toronto's cleanest beach free and public.

Celebrate Ontario Place West Island as it is the world's epicenter of freshwater stewardship.

Ontario is home of the world's largest freshwater lake, Lake Ontario, which holds 10% of the world's freshwater supply.

Our Great Lakes hold 21% of the world's freshwater (84% of North America's) and Toronto is the largest city on the Great Lakes.  Toronto is also the capital of Ontario.

In this sense Toronto is freshwater capital of the world.

Downtown Toronto's only beach (the only beach within the Downtown Toronto Urban Growth Centre) is at Ontario Place.

Thus we can argue that Ontario Place is or should be the world's epicenter of freshwater stewardship and it should set a good example to everyone else on the Great Lakes.

We therefore propose U.OP = University of Ontario Place as the world's leading research institute in the new field of Mersivity.

Mersivity is the extent to which technology serves both humanity and the environment.

Mersivity is the intersection of exactly these three spheres or circles:
nature (environment), technology, and humanity.

Mersivity regards technology as the boundary between humans and the environment, i.e. between the "invironment" and the environment.

This boundary between in- and en-vironment is called the vironment.

Examples of vironments include vessels, vehicles, shoes, clothing, and eyeglasses.

The example chosen here is the Mersivity Ball which is a metric unit sphere in the sense that it has a unit (one) metre radius (2m diameter).

That which is inside the sphere (human, humanity) is the invironment.
That which is outside is the environment.
The sphere itself is the vironment.

Interesting fact: Ask yourself or your friends "What is the volume of a sphere of radius 1m?".
Answer: zero.
(The volume of a sphere is always zero, whereas the volume contained inside a sphere is 4/3 pi R^3 which in this case is 4/3 pi.)

Come and see and hear thought leaders from around the world present Mersivity and why Ontario Place is rightly the birthplace and epicenter of this concept.

and for location, maps, GPS, etc., see

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