SwimOP and Ontario Place for All Unite to Save Ontario Place West Island


We're excited to share some big news: SwimOP has teamed up with Ontario Place for All to protect and celebrate the natural heritage of Ontario Place West Island. We're not just talking; we're taking action by putting our boots on the beach! And we're inviting you to join us.

Save The Date for a Special Event
On Saturday, September 23rd, 2023, at 3:30 pm, we're organizing a special gathering at Michael Hough Beach, Ontario Place West Island. For maps and directions on how to get there, click here.

What's Happening?
Our get-together will be the concluding half-hour of a broader Ontario Place for All event that runs from 2 pm to 4 pm. This segment will be dedicated to unveiling our collaborative Action Plan to Save Ontario Place West Island.

Special Features

  • Celebrate the Fall Equinox
  • Partake in Nuit Blanche activities
  • Engage in the Ontario Placemaking Symposium also happening this Saturday
Why Placemaking Matters
If you're not familiar with the term placemaking, it's an approach that encourages citizen engagement in shaping public spaces. This concept, which dates back to the 1960s and the writings of urban thinker Jane Jacobs, emphasizes the importance of having "eyes on the street" for communal well-being. We're taking this a step further with the hashtag #eyeOP, calling for eyes on Ontario Place to ensure its preservation and vibrant future.

Our Plan
Our Action Plan centers on Michael Hough Beach as the frontline—a literal beachhead—in a wider effort to protect the trees and natural habitats of West Island, particularly the Michael Hough Forest. Both SwimOP and Ontario Place for All are firm believers that when communities and organizations collaborate, meaningful and long-lasting change can occur.

You're Invited!
We're calling on the press, community leaders, and—most importantly—you, the public, to stand with us. Your support and participation can help maintain Ontario Place as a living tribute to our natural heritage, a place for community gatherings, and a beacon of sustainable development.

Perry Toone

Perry, the founder of Thexyz and Curious Penguins, is an open water swimmer and an open-source software enthusiast. He develops privacy-respecting software, fuelled by a passion for digital privacy and high security standards.

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